Tuesday, 2 August 2011


This week’s food for thought… dwindling finances
$30.33 – my current bank balance. I think to myself, surely the NAB has made a mistake. But as I scan through an 8-page account summary documenting my spending, I soon see an arising pattern. The reoccurrence of Liquor Barons Carlisle, Swan Taxi’s and Mc Donalds East Victoria Park provide some indication of why I don’t have a brass razoo in both my wallet and bank account. I’ve reached an all time low, having had more savings when I endured child labour as a budding 15-year junior at Eagle Boys.
With the deposits being largely outweighed by the withdrawals, I ask myself – what do you actually have to show for my $30 and 33 cents? Apart from a delicious hang over that derails my day and text messages detailing my deplorable antics from the previous night, absolutely nothing!
Even worse is that every time I pick up the phone and call my folks, I seem to be using the opening liner “I need a favour”, this is followed by a long awkward silence, coupled with a cringe worthy response of “what would that be?". I can almost hear it in their voices – “oh he needs money again”. Their fed up with this ongoing tirade of I need $400 to go skydiving, or I need money for the weekend so I can go on a wine tour in Margaret River.
Given that I cannot possibly fathom surviving on such a meagre amount, I think this is an indication that I should try and curb my spending and stay clear of your Swan Taxi’s, Mc Donalds East Victoria Park and Liquor Barons Carlise… that or at least try First Choice.
So if you see me lining up for a free sausage sizzle at Curtin, or siphoning fuel in a car park, don’t be alarmed, I’m simply trying to save a few dollars here and there and put my remaining $30.33 to good use.
So this is student living…
Bye for now

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