Thursday, 26 May 2011

Keep Calm and Carry On

This week’s food for thought  . . . neurotic tendencies

If the tube in London taught me anything – besides not to charge at closing doors – it was to keep calm and carry on. After a somewhat turbulent week, metaphorically speaking, the chain well and truly came off the bike. I make this reference towards to my mental well-being. It is no real secret that I went through a ‘significant’ period of readjustment before resettling back in to life here in Oz, and just when I thought things were on the up, another drunken flip out. I admit,  throwing copious volumes of alcohol down my throat through the course of last Saturday evening didn’t improve the situation; in fact it just magnified it. Again I found myself on the same old tirade of anguish, unleashed on the same poor mate who’s copped it all before.

While highlighting than YES I am a complete nut case (in both his and my eyes), it really drove home just how extreme my neurotic tendency to question every situation is. Don’t ask me why I’m like it. It’s like the sweating and the bleeding nipples – the answers are unknown. What a wake up call it really was! A change has to be made, so from now on I’ve decided to adopt the wartime ideology promoted by the 1939 British Government – Keep Calm and Carry On. Hey it worked for them . . .

With my new outlook on life firmly cemented and the chain well and truly back on the bike, I’m heading east to Kalgoorlie for the weekend. Even better my good friend Bec - who I met in London, but ironically hales from Perth - will be joining me. I may have slightly exaggerated just how pleasant Kalgoorlie is, so I’m now at bay at what I’m going to show her. The Super Pit is the obvious choice, but giant holes in the ground can only fill so much time. There is offcourse the world’s tallest bin, a bestowed honour for all Kalgoorlieans. Then I suppose we could move on to a tour of the brothels and then round out the evening with a drinks and the real deal at the Gold Bar. What a weekend she’s in for, I don’t know why I’m worried!

I think we’ll leave it there for this week. If you do happen to see someone who resembles me wandering aimlessly around the front of debos, don’t be alarmed; I’m simply once again just trying to find myself. And here’s me thinking I had it in the bag. Lets try again shall we!

Keeping calm and carrying on!


1 comment:

  1. haha Johnny bowles brought up that idea of the worlds tallest bin. pretty pointless invention though haha and yes bec wont receive the same copious amounts of fun usually experienced without the inclusion of debos on a saturday night. We shall do our best to entertain her though...
